Raising Awareness

What Can We Do?


Spread the word far & wide.  Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA).  Unite with other Nons.
Empower one another.  Gather & publicize hard evidence.  Request topic coverage in the media.

Chances are excellent that the psychopath has a record, somewhere, even if there are no convictions.  Look online for the city, county, and state law enforcement & court contacts to request public information.  Generally requests must be in writing, often an email or fax will do, or some entities use a specific form that can often be found at their websites.  There is usually a fee associated with fulfilling the request to cover the cost of providing it.  Typically it is a nominal fee, unless a great deal of labor is required to sort through archived hardcopies.

Targets of psychopaths often feel a strong desire to warn the next target, which tends to be as futile as it would have been had they themselves been warned ahead.  Psychopaths use preemptive defense tactics, warning their new targets that their previous targets are crazy or evil and out to get them. Instead, go back to previous targets yourself.  Get their statements and assemble them for your own defense, for future targets, and/or the general public.

Video, Audio, Photos
Do not take chances with your safety or anyone else’s to gather this type of evidence.  However, if you already possess any photos, audio recordings, or videotapes or CDs with damning evidence, then they could be useful and publishable.

These days the general public has at least a smattering of comprehension of addiction, diabetes, Asperger’s syndrome, the hazards of driving drunk, and so much more.  More of us wear seatbelts than not now and we know about Amber Alerts.  This is the result of determination to get the word out in raising public awareness.  If enough people write in to request that the topic of psychopathy be covered, the media will respond.  Media is business, and the bottom line is the top dollar.  Profit projections are based upon the level of public or target audience interest.
If we remain silent, psychopathy will never be uncovered, instead many will continue to sit back and complain about the hopelessness of our situations, while more targets will be victimized.  Each and every one of us has the power to contribute toward a solution.  Express interest in the subject and let it be known.  Send a message to the media that we want to hear, read, and learn more about this abhorrence that afflicts society.
To help raise public awareness, anyone can request that a local or national news or talk show feature psychopathy or a guest on the subject. You can offer to be on a show yourself, but you don’t have to in order to make a request for a guest or story.  The more people make these requests, the more the media will see interest, and the more likely they’ll pay attention and give this topic attention.

Some Potential Guests
Lianne Leedom Just Like His Father?
Thomas Sheridan Puzzling People
Robert Schug Aftermath Radio
Marion Trent Loving the Devil
Donna Andersen Lovefraud
Paul Babiak Snakes in Suits

Some Show & Network Contact Pages & Email Addresses

Dr. Oz
Dr. Phil
The Doctors
The Ellen Show
Live! With Kelly
Investigation Discovery (ID) Channel
truTV Channel
Good Morning America
The View
This Week
World News with Diane Sawyer
48 Hours
60 Minutes
CBS News & News Shows
Nightly News
NBC News